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You’ve heard of CYA, correct? Cover your ass, how it’s basically a strategy used to avoid potential responsibility for a failed project. You see where I’m going with this? Here is how I coach using CYA to ensure inevitable success. 

In this sense, A.S.S. is an acronym for accountability. system. support. As your coach, my commitment to you is: I will help you CYA, Cover your ass by focusing on your A.S.S. until you learn and trust to do it yourself!

A. Accountability: Without accountability, we don’t always follow through, it’s easy to fall into old habits. It’s really useful to have someone to hold us to the highest version of ourselves that we can dream up. That’s why it’s so important to have a coach. I will be there to hold you accountable until you are confident to hold yourself accountable! 

S. System: Together we have to evaluate your current system and work towards finding a system that works right for you! Without the right system, people inevitably fall back into old patterns- this will take trial and error, that's when support comes in! which we will talk about next. When you have the right system then following through becomes easy to implement. Making a lifestyle change seem natural and simply a new habit!

S. Support: I can be the support you need right now, knowing I am available in vulnerable times, to share your wins however big or small, and root you on throughout your journey! This is where I might invite you to share your hopes and goals with your family & friends, so they can cheer you on too - the more the merrier. That is until you believe in yourself and become your own cheerleader.


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Declutter. Organize. Prioritize.

With each item comes a task. That item needs to be put away, cleaned, or maintained. Reducing the number of things leads to minimizing the duties that go with them, which leads to less stress.


spaces we can minimize conscious and subconscious stress like in your home, on your phone, opening up your schedule, minimizing wardrobe


Identity. Process. Outcomes

This is where we evaluate your habits, which habits are working for you and against you. This is where you start being honest with yourself and defining that boundary and choosing yourself

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Walking with Bicycle


Activity. Exercise. Sports.

My motto with movement is all about Having Fun!  

I believe you will continue to do whatever it is you enjoy doing; and my mission with movement is to help you find and make joy in physical activity.

This is one of the most important tools to a happy and healthy lifestyle, here is where I eliminate objections, I travel to train with you. We try new activities, challenges, exercises, sports, locations, anything to change the mindset of making working out feel like a chore!


Amanda Wolgemuth

"Before coaching with Emma, I struggled with perfectionism and was stressed trying to maintain a perfect routine.
Then Emma taught me that I could view my day as a to do list instead of as a schedule and stressing to maintain it.
The 3 most significant results I've experienced from coaching with Emma are shifting my mindset from finite opportunities to accomplish my goals to an abundance of opportunities throughout the day. The simple action of putting on my shoes has helped me get to 5 morning yoga classes a week. With Emma's ideas, I now have 3 new networking strategies for getting my business off the ground, which helped my confidence significantly.
What I loved most about coaching with Emma is her warm and bubbly presence that allowed me to feel comfortable sharing and working through my problems. I felt truly seen and heard and in the end made great strides towards living a more balanced life."



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